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緲 / Memo Flora — 吳品賢(Eatbeef)作品集發表暨面交會

EDM:小草小姐(不是我)/ 新聞稿:淑鈴

書名:緲 / Memo Flora

.. 在品賢辭世後的一年,於眾好友齊心的努力及奔走下,其攝影集將於 2011 年八月正式發表。




在 2011/08/20 的發表會中,許多朋友將會從他們的角度談談品賢的一些作品並提供小型​展覽。歡迎各位共襄盛舉, 一起紀念我們的好友—吳品賢。

Memo Flora
In memory of our friend- Pin-Hsien Wu, a.k.a. Eatbeef, we will release his photography collection in August, 2011.

From his web album, he has mentioned what he would like to convey from his photos:

“The cool air and feelings that are full of imagination is what I would like to pursue when I am taking pictures. The photos exist in this age but the images show the history. What I would like to demonstrate in the pictures is not the reality but the surrealism. I do not create man-made settings. As time goes by, if the characters in the photos see the pictures again and can recall that moment or even the mixed and bizarre memory from their experiences and feel that they have existed in the previous age, then it’s enough.”

This photo collection will bring everyone to feel what Eatbeef said about “the imaginary air and feelings.” Eatbeef’s photos have been full of story and imaginations. People who are acquainted with Eatbeef may be able to guess what he was thinking when he was taking the pictures, and the photos will lead them to recall the past. For these people, some shared memory and experiences with Eatbeef could appear simultaneously. People who are not acquainted with Eatbeef can create their own story and imagination by looking at each photo.

Many friends will share their thoughts about Eatbeef’s photos in the presentation. We will also hold a photo exhibition along with the presentation. Everyone is welcome to attend the party and let’s memorize Pin-Hsien Wu (Eatbeef) together. See More.

2 則留言:

  1. 08/20 (六) 13:30 的發表見面會,這邊也要補充一下交通資訊:

